Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 23 Configuring QoS
Monitoring QoS
• Viewing QoS Standard Priority Queue Statistics, page 23-13
Viewing QoS Police Statistics
To view the QoS statistics for traffic policing, use the show service-policy command with the police
ciscoasa# show service-policy police
The following is sample output for the show service-policy police command:
ciscoasa# show service-policy police
Global policy:
Service-policy: global_fw_policy
Interface outside:
Service-policy: qos
Class-map: browse
police Interface outside:
cir 56000 bps, bc 10500 bytes
conformed 10065 packets, 12621510 bytes; actions: transmit
exceeded 499 packets, 625146 bytes; actions: drop
conformed 5600 bps, exceed 5016 bps
Class-map: cmap2
police Interface outside:
cir 200000 bps, bc 37500 bytes
conformed 17179 packets, 20614800 bytes; actions: transmit
exceeded 617 packets, 770718 bytes; actions: drop
conformed 198785 bps, exceed 2303 bps
Viewing QoS Standard Priority Statistics
To view statistics for service policies implementing the priority command, use the show service-policy
command with the priority keyword:
ciscoasa# show service-policy priority
The following is sample output for the show service-policy priority command:
ciscoasa# show service-policy priority
Global policy:
Service-policy: global_fw_policy
Interface outside:
Service-policy: qos
Class-map: TG1-voice
Interface outside: aggregate drop 0, aggregate transmit 9383
Note “Aggregate drop” denotes the aggregated drop in this interface; “aggregate transmit” denotes the
aggregated number of transmitted packets in this interface.