Virtual Router
d. Convert your private key format into PKCS#8 encrypted format.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in yourprivate.key -out yourprivate.pkcs8.encryped.key
e. Convert your PKCS#8 encrypted private key into the PKCS#8 format that is compliant with
openssl pkcs8 -in yourprivate.pkcs8.encrypted.key -out yourprivate.pkcs8.key
3. In the Update SSL Certificate screen of the CloudPlatform UI, paste the following
• Certificate from step 1(c).
• Private key from step 1(e).
• The desired new domain name; for example, company.com
4. The desired new domain name; for example, company.com
This stops all currently running console proxy VMs, then restarts them with the new certificate and
key. Users might notice a brief interruption in console availability
The Management Server will generate URLs of the form "aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd.company.com" after this
change is made. New console requests will be served with the new DNS domain name, certificate,
and key
17.4. Virtual Router
The virtual router is a type of System Virtual Machine. The virtual router is one of the most frequently
used service providers in CloudPlatform. The end user has no direct access to the virtual router. Users
can ping the virtual router and take actions that affect it (such as setting up port forwarding), but users
do not have SSH access into the virtual router.
There is no mechanism for the administrator to log in to the virtual router. Virtual routers can be
restarted by administrators, but this will interrupt public network access and other services for end
users. A basic test in debugging networking issues is to attempt to ping the virtual router from a guest
VM. Some of the characteristics of the virtual router are determined by its associated system service
17.4.1. Configuring the Virtual Router
You can set the following:
• IP range
• Supported network services
• Default domain name for the network serviced by the virtual router
• Gateway IP address
• How often CloudPlatform fetches network usage statistics from CloudPlatform virtual routers. If you
want to collect traffic metering data from the virtual router, set the global configuration parameter
router.stats.interval. If you are not using the virtual router to gather network usage statistics, set it to