Customizing Alerts with Global Configuration Settings
For a list of CloudPlatform alerts, see Appendix B, Alerts. For the most up-to-date list, call the listAlerts
In addition to alerts, CloudPlatform also generates events. Unlike alerts, which indicate issues of
concern, events track all routine user and administrator actions in the cloud. For example, every
time a guest VM starts, this creates an associated event. Events are stored in the Management
Server’s database. For more details, see Section 22.1, “Events”.
19.4.1. Customizing Alerts with Global Configuration Settings
To exercise some control over how alerts behave, you can use the global configuration settings.
You can configure recipient and sender email addresses, SMTP server and authentication, timeouts,
frequency intervals, and more. To access these settings through the CloudPlatform UI, go to the
Global Settings screen (click the Global Settings button in the left navbar) and type "alert" in the
search box.
The following table shows some of the more useful alert configuration settings.
Configuration Variable Description
alert.email.addresses One or more email addresses to which alerts will
be sent. There are several companion settings
for the SMTP host, From: address, etc.
alert.purge.delay A useful tuning parameter. Alerts older than the
specified number days will be deleted, freeing up
resources. If you want to keep alerts forever, you
can set this to 0.
alert.wait Another useful tuning parameter, this one
controls the sensitivity of the alerting mechanism.
CloudPlatform will wait the specified number
of seconds before generating an alert on a
disconnected agent. By setting this value high,
you can potentially reduce the number of alerts,
allowing for issues to self-correct. However,
this should be used with caution, as it can also
obscure issues and delay the fix.
19.4.2. Sending Alerts to External SNMP and Syslog Managers
In addition to showing administrator alerts on the Dashboard in the CloudPlatform UI and sending
them in email, CloudPlatform can also send the same alerts to external SNMP or Syslog management
software. This is useful if you prefer to use an SNMP or Syslog manager to monitor your cloud.
The alerts which can be sent are listed in Appendix B, Alerts. You can also display the most up to date
list by calling the API command listAlerts. SNMP Alert Details
The supported protocol is SNMP version 2.