
Chapter 19. Managing the Cloud
19.2. Setting Configuration Parameters
19.2.1. About Configuration Parameters
CloudPlatform provides a variety of settings you can use to set limits, configure features, and enable
or disable features in the cloud. Once your Management Server is running, you might need to set
some of these configuration parameters, depending on what optional features you are setting up.
You can set default values at the global level, which will be in effect throughout the cloud unless you
override them at a lower level. You can make local settings, which will override the global configuration
parameter values, at the level of an account, zone, cluster, or primary storage.
The documentation for each CloudPlatform feature should direct you to the names of the applicable
parameters. The following table shows a few of the more useful parameters.
Field Value
management.network.cidr A CIDR that describes the network that the
management CIDRs reside on. This variable
must be set for deployments that use vSphere. It
is recommended to be set for other deployments
as well. Example:
xen.setup.multipath For XenServer nodes, this is a true/false variable
that instructs CloudStack to enable iSCSI
multipath on the XenServer Hosts when they are
added. This defaults to false. Set it to true if you
would like CloudStack to enable multipath.
If this is true for a NFS-based deployment
multipath will still be enabled on the XenServer
host. However, this does not impact NFS
operation and is harmless.
secstorage.allowed.internal.sites This is used to protect your internal network
from rogue attempts to download arbitrary files
using the template download feature. This is a
comma-separated list of CIDRs. If a requested
URL matches any of these CIDRs the Secondary
Storage VM will use the private network interface
to fetch the URL. Other URLs will go through
the public interface. We suggest you set this
to 1 or 2 hardened internal machines where
you keep your templates. For example, set it to
use.local.storage Determines whether CloudStack will use storage
that is local to the Host for data disks, templates,
and snapshots. By default CloudStack will not
use this storage. You should change this to
true if you want to use local storage and you
understand the reliability and feature drawbacks
to choosing local storage.