Chapter 4. Accounts
depending on which LDAP server you are using. A full discussion of distinguished names is outside
the scope of our documentation. The following table shows some examples of search bases to find
users in the testing department..
LDAP Server Example Search Base DN
ApacheDS ou=testing,o=project
Active Directory OU=testing, DC=company
4.2.4. Query Filter
The query filter is used to find a mapped user in the external LDAP server. The query filter should
uniquely map the CloudPlatform user to LDAP user for a meaningful authentication. For more
information about query filter syntax, consult the documentation for your LDAP server.
The CloudPlatform query filter wild cards are:
Query Filter Wildcard Description
%u User name
%e Email address
%n First and last name Active Directory
The following examples assume that you are using Active Directory. Refer to user attributes from the
Active Directory schema.
If the CloudPlatform user name is the same as the LDAP user ID:
If the CloudPlatform user name is the LDAP display name:
To find a user by email address:
(mail=%e) ApacheDS
If your LDAP server is ApacheDS, consider the following examples:
If the CloudPlatform user name is the same as the LDAP user ID:
To find a user by email address:
Enter the query filers in CloudPlatform in the following format: