xe vm-list params=all
Note that some parameters that are expensive to calculate will not be shown by the list command. These
parameters will be shown as, for example:
allowed-VBD-devices (SRO): <expensive field>
To obtain these fields, use either the command <class>-param-list or <class>-param-get
To filter the list, the CLI will match parameter values with those specified on the command-line, only printing
objects that match all of the specified constraints. For example:
xe vm-list HVM-boot-policy="BIOS order" power-state=halted
This command will only list those VMs for which both the field power-state has the value halted, and for
which the field HVM-boot-policy has the value BIOS order.
It is also possible to filter the list based on the value of keys in maps, or on the existence of values in a set. The
syntax for the first of these is map-name:key=value, and the second is set-name:contains=value
For scripting, a useful technique is passing --minimal on the command line, causing xe to print only the first
field in a comma-separated list. For example, the command xe vm-list --minimal on a XenServer host with three
VMs installed gives the three UUIDs of the VMs, for example:
a85d6717-7264-d00e-069b-3b1d19d56ad9,aaa3eec5-9499-bcf3-4c03-af10baea96b7, \
xe Command Reference
This section provides a reference to the xe commands. They are grouped by objects that the commands address,
and listed alphabetically.
Appliance Commands
Commands for creating and modifying VM appliances (also known as vApps). For more information on vApps,
see the XenServer Virtual Machine Installation Guide.
Appliance Parameters
Appliance commands have the following parameters
Parameter Name Description Type
uuid appliance uuid required
name-description appliance description optional
paused optional
force force shutdown optional
appliance-assert-can-be-recovered uuid=<appliance-uuid> database:vdi-uuid=<vdi-uuid>
Tests whether storage is available to recover this VM appliance/vApp.
appliance-create name-label=<name-label> [name-description=<name-description>]