Creates an appliance/vApp. For example:
xe appliance-create name-label=my_appliance
Add VMs to the appliance:
xe vm-param-set uuid=<VM-UUID> appliance=<appliance-uuid> \
xe vm-param-set uuid=<VM-UUID> appliance=<appliance-uuid>
appliance-destroy uuid=<appliance-uuid>
Destroys an appliance/vApp. For example:
xe appliance-destroy uuid=<appliance-uuid>
appliance-recover uuid=<appliance-uuid> database:vdi-uuid=<vdi-uuid> [paused=<true|false>]
Recover a VM appliance/vAPP from the database contained in the supplied VDI.
appliance-shutdown uuid=<appliance-uuid> [force=<true|false>]
Shuts down all VMs in an appliance/vApp. For example:
xe appliance-shutdown uuid=<appliance-uuid>
appliance-start uuid=<appliance-uuid> [paused=<true|false>]
Starts an appliance/vApp. For example:
xe appliance-start uuid=<appliance-uuid>
Audit Commands
Audit commands download all of the available records of the RBAC audit file in the pool. If the optional parameter
since is present, it downloads only the records from that specific point in time.
audit-log-get parameters
audit-log-get has the following parameters
Parameter Name Description Type
filename Write the audit log of the pool to <filename> required
since specific date/time point optional
audit-log-get [since=<timestamp>] filename=<filename>
For example, to obtain audit records of the pool since a precise millisecond timestamp, run the following
Run the following command: