Parameter Name Description Type
subtasks contains the UUID(s) of all the subtasks of
this task
read only
task-cancel [uuid=<task_uuid>]
Direct the specified Task to cancel and return.
Template Commands
Commands for working with VM templates.
Templates are essentially VMs with the is-a-template parameter set to true. A template is a "gold image"
that contains all the various configuration settings to instantiate a specific VM. XenServer ships with a base set
of templates, which are generic "raw" VMs that can boot an OS vendor installation CD (e.g. RHEL, CentOS, SLES,
Windows). With XenServer you can create VMs, configure them in standard forms for your particular needs, and
save a copy of them as templates for future use in VM deployment.
The template objects can be listed with the standard object listing command (xe template-list), and the
parameters manipulated with the standard parameter commands. See the section called “Low-level Parameter
Commands” for details.
Template Parameters
Templates have the following parameters:
Parameter Name Description Type
uuid the unique identifier/object
reference for the template
read only
name-label the name of the template read/write
name-description the description string of the
user-version string for creators of VMs
and templates to put version
is-a-template true if this is a template.
Template VMs can never be
started, they are used only for
cloning other VMs
is-control-domain true if this is a control domain
(domain 0 or a driver domain)
read only
power-state current power state; always
halted for a template
read only