For more information on using CSL SR types with XenCenter, see the XenCenter online help.
Because the CSL SR can be used to access different storage arrays, the exact features available for a given CSL
SR depend on the capabilities of the array. All CSL SRs use a LUN-per-VDI model where a new LUN is provisioned
for each virtual disk (VDI).
CSL SRs can co-exist with other SR types on the same storage array hardware, and multiple CSL SRs can be defined
within the same resource pool.
CSL supports the following array types:
• NetApp/ IBM N Series
When using NetApp storage with StorageLink on a XenServer host, Initiator Groups are
automatically created for the host on the array. These Initiator Groups are created with Linux
as the Operating System (OS).
Manually adding Initiator Groups with other OS values is not recommended.
• Dell EqualLogic PS Series
The Dell EqualLogic API uses SNMP for the communication. It requires SNMP v3 and therefore
requires firmware v5.0.0 or greater. If your EqualLogic array uses earlier firmware, you will
need to upgrade it to v5.0.0. The firmware can be downloaded from the Dell EqualLogic
Firmware download site at https://www.equallogic.com/support/download.aspx?id=1502
(note that you need a Dell Support account to access this page).
After a firmware upgrade to v5.0.0 or later, you will need to explicitly reset the administrator
(grpadmin) password. This is necessary so that the password can be converted to the
necessary SNMPv3 authentication and encryption keys.
To reset the password, log in to the array via telnet or ssh, and run the following command:
account select grpadmin passwd
At the prompt, enter the new password; at the next prompt, retype it to confirm. The
password can be the same as the original password.
Upgrading XenServer with StorageLink SRs
If you are upgrading pools (from XenServer version 5.6 or later to the current version of XenServer) that contain
StorageLink Gateway SRs, note that only the following adapters are supported: NetApp and Dell EqualLogic. If
the pool contains VMs running on any other types of StorageLink Gateway SRs, do not upgrade the pool.
Before you upgrade, you will need to first detach any supported StorageLink Gateway SRs and
then, once you have upgraded, re-attach them and re-enter your credentials (if you are using
XenCenter, the Rolling Pool Upgrade wizard will perform this automatically).
If the default SR in the pool you wish to upgrade is a supported StorageLink SR, you must
set the default to an SR of a different type (non-StorageLink). Any VMs suspended on a
StorageLink Gateway SR by the Rolling Pool Upgrade wizard will not be resumable after the
Creating a Shared StorageLink SR
The device-config parameters for CSL SRs are: