Multimedia Presentation System 250 Crestron MPS-250
• Adjust the Speech Delay with the j and k buttons. Press the k button to
increase the delay. Press the j button to lower the delay. The highest delay
setting is 40 milliseconds.
NOTE: While adjusting the Speech Delay, the Speech Volume level can
be adjusted by turning the volume control clockwise to raise the volume, or
counterclockwise to lower the volume. When adjusting the volume, the
display will change to indicate the volume level.
• Press MENU or ENTER to save changes and return to the previous screen.
Change the Volume Control
The operating mode of the volume control knob can be set to adjust the program
volume, the speech volume, user-selectable program/speech volume, or the master
volume. To change the Volume Control Mode:
• Access the Speech Output menu as described on page 43.
• Press the k or j buttons until “Prog/Spch Vol.” is displayed on the LCD
and press ENTER to open the Volume Control Mode controls.
Volume Control Mode Control
Prog/Spch Vol.
Program Only
• Press the k or j buttons until the desired mode is displayed on the LCD
and press ENTER. The current setting is indicated with an asterisk (*). The
following settings are available:
⇒ Program Only: The front panel volume control will now only control
the output volume for PROG OUT (and SPEAKER 20W 8Ω if the
internal amplifier is used).
⇒ Speech Only: The front panel volume control will now only control
the output volume for SPEECH OUT.
⇒ Pgm/Spch Sel.: The front panel volume control will allow the user to
select during operation if the knob affects the volume of PROG OUT
⇒ Master Vol.: The front panel volume control will control the master
volume level, raising both the PROG OUT and SPEECH OUT
volumes simultaneously while retaining their current proportional
NOTE: While setting the Volume Control Mode, the Speech Volume level
can be adjusted by turning the volume control clockwise to raise the
volume, or counterclockwise to lower the volume. When adjusting the
volume, the display will change to indicate the volume level.
• Press ENTER to save changes and return to the Speech Output menu. To
cancel without saving changes, press MENU.
46 • Multimedia Presentation System 250: MPS-250 Operations Guide – DOC. 6647A