Multimedia Presentation System 250 Crestron MPS-250
Display the Date Controls
DATE: 10/16/2006
⇒ To set the month, press the soft button labeled MO. To set the day,
press the soft button labeled DAY. To set the year, press the soft button
labeled YR. A pair of brackets will appear around the selected part of
the date.
⇒ Press the k or j buttons to increase or decrease the value of the
selected part of the date.
⇒ Repeat for each part of the date.
⇒ Press ENTER to store the new date and return to the Time/Date
controls or press MENU to return to the Time/Date controls without
saving any changes.
• To set the time, press the soft button labeled TIME.
Display the Time Controls
TIME: 05:02:32PM
⇒ To set the hour, press the soft button labeled HR. To set the minute,
press the soft button labeled MIN. To set AM or PM, press the soft
button labeled AM/PM. A pair of brackets will appear around the
selected part of the time.
⇒ Press the k or j buttons to increase or decrease the value of the
selected part of the time.
⇒ Repeat for each part of the time.
⇒ Press ENTER to store the new time and return to the Time/Date
controls or press MENU to return to the Time/Date controls without
saving any changes.
• To return to the Control Setup menu, press MENU.
NOTE: The date and time can be set using Crestron Toolbox. For more
information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
72 • Multimedia Presentation System 250: MPS-250 Operations Guide – DOC. 6647A