Multimedia Presentation System 250 Crestron MPS-250
custom touchpanel based system with multiple controlled sources and display
devices, can be programmed easily using Crestron SystemBuilder™ software. And,
the MPS-250 works with Crestron's RoomView
Help Desk software, the industry's
most comprehensive facility-wide asset management solution.
Room Control Options
Without requiring any programming, the MPS-250 can be controlled simply using
Crestron’s APAD LCD Controller or a selection of keypads. With custom
programming, Crestron’s complete line of Isys
touchpanels and MediaManager
FlipTops is supported. Equipped with an optional CNXRMIRD IR receiver, the
MPS-250 allows any Crestron IR wireless touchpanel or handheld remote to be used
for a low-cost wireless control solution. Or, adding an RF wireless gateway or Wi-Fi
access point enables use of a wide range of 1-way and 2-way RF wireless handheld
remotes and touchpanels.
The following diagram shows an MPS-250 in a lecture hall application.
MPS-250 in a Lecture Hall Application
For more information on this and other QM applications, refer to the latest revision
of the Crestron MediaManager Applications Guide (Doc. 6244), which is available
from the Crestron website (
4 • Multimedia Presentation System 250: MPS-250 Operations Guide – DOC. 6647A