Cleaning the machine
Cleaning the incoming supply water filter
Debris clogging the incoming supply water filter can prolong the supply
time so it falls outside the specification given in the standard. Therefore it
is necessary to regularly to clean the filter.
• Disconnecttheincomingwaterhoseandremovethelter.Thelter
cartridge can easily be taken out from the valve housing. Clean the
filter and reassemble all the parts.
Inspecting and removal of lint from heating elements and the drain
• Thebuilt-upoflintaroundtheheatingelementsandatthedrainvalve
can be observed from inside the inner drum. Use a battery torch and
illuminate the inner side of the outer drum via the holes in the inner
drum. Lint around the elements and at the drain valve can then be
• Iflintisobservedaroundtheheatingelementstheyshallberemoved
and cleaned. Remove the front panel and the element cover. Discon-
nect the electrical wires and unscrew the fastening bolt on the ele-
ment until the bolt is at the end of the tread. (Do not remove the bolt).
Press the bolt and press in inwards as far as possible. Now the hea-
ting element can be removed and cleaned. Also clean the element if
a layer of scale is visible. After cleaning, the heating elements shall be
assembled again. Make sure that no water leaks are visible around the
element seal before mounting on the front panel.
Removal of lint from the drain valve
• Iflinthasbeenobservedin/onthedrainvalvetrytoremovethelintvia
the openings of the heating elements.
• Ifthatisnotpossiblethenthedrainvalvemustberemoved.Seein-
struction on next page.