Maintenance before start up of a test series
FOM 71MP-Lab
Maintenance before start up of a test series
In order to ensure that the reference machine is in good order and will
work in accordance with the specifications given in IEC 60456 a number of
checks can be carried out:
Before any major test period:
• CheckforanylintaccordingtoinstructionsinChapter21.
• Checkthesupplytimeforrstll.Shallbe109±14secondsfromclosu-
re of door lock relay to end of filling. If time is too short, lower the water
pressure. If the time is too long, clean the supply filter in accordance with
the instruction set out in Chapter 21 or increase the water pressure.
• CarryoutaninstallationcheckaccordingtoinstructionsinChapter13.
• CarryoutaowmetercheckaccordingtoinstructionsinChapter19.
• Carryoutanemptyruntest.UseCotton60ºCorCotton40ºCdepending
on the type of program to be run during the test period.
• ComparetheresultsobtainedwithresultsshowninTable1inChapter
23 "Empty run test data" MP-Lab. Note the definitions assigned to the
time intervals shown in the table.
• IfthevaluefalloutsidethespecicationdetailedinTableE.2inIEC
60456, carry out a second empty run test or recalibrate.
• Ifothervaluesobtainedfromtheemptyruntestdiffersfromthevaluein
Table 1, analyse the reason for this difference and correct (wrong water
pressure, wrong supply water temperature, faulty heating element etc).
Before every test period:
• CheckforthepresenceoflintaccordingtoinstructionsinChapter21.
• Checkthesupplytimeforrstll.Shallbe109±14secondsfromclo-
sure of door lock relay to end of filling. If the time is too short, lower the
water pressure. If the time is too long, clean the supply filter in accordan-
ce to instruction in Chapter 21 or rise the water pressure.
• CarryoutaweightcheckaccordingtoinstructionsinChapter19.
Daily check:
• Ifthemachinehasnotbeeninuseforthelast2hoursrunthestartup
program (Program 991). The start up program will flush the machine with
water and normalise all temperatures inside the machine.