Calibration of the level control system
FOM 71 MP-Lab
Calibration of the level control system
For tests carried out in accordance with the IEC 604456 Ed5 standard, this
calibration does not control the supply water values of the wash program.
However, even if the wash programs use the flow meter to control water in-
take, the level control becomes active and manages other levels inside the
machine such as empty machine, heating element safety levels and overfill that
are required for the safety values of the machine. Therefore, the level must be
adjusted and maintained in accordance with the procedure outlined below.
A: Calibration of the external level scale
• Cleanthelefthandexternalleveltubeusingabottlecleaner(withasmall
diameter) and remove all detergent deposits.
• Rotatethedrumsothattwoliftersareequidistantrelativetothelowest
• Closethedoorandpressthemanualushbuttontoallowwaterintothe
drum until the level reaches the inner surface of the drum.
• Checkthatthezerolineontheexternalleveltubematcheswiththelevel.If
it does not, adjust the scale so the that the zero level lines match up.
• Usethedrainbuttontodrainthewater.
B: Water level check
1: Level calibration.
• Themachinemustbeempty.
• UsetheLevelControlProgram(programno.1).TheLevelControlprogram
fills the machine 5 times to 160 mm and then to 100 mm, 130 mm, 160 mm
and 200 mm.
Measure to 160 mm on the external scale, adjusting using the rotating poten-
tiometer on the front panel if necessary. One full turn of the potentiometer cor-
responds to about 3 mm in level difference.
• Restartforsecondllingandchecktheadjustment.
2: Repeatability
3: Linearity
• RunLevelControlprogram(Program1).
• Runthelastpart.Theprogramllsrepeatedlyto100mm,130mm,160mm
and 200 mm.
• Readwaterlevelateachstopontheexternalscale.Maxdeviation±5mm.