Flow meter: maintenance
FOM 71 MP-Lab
Flow meter: maintenance
(All references in this document refers to ELS document 438 9041-07 Instal-
lation of flow meter control FOM 71 LAB. See Appendix 1)
• Occasionallychecktheamountofwatercomingfromtheowmeter.If
the amount is not correct, recalibrate in accordance with the procedures
set out in Chapter 16.
• Theimpellerintheowmeterissensitivetocontaminantsinthewater
and after long inoperative periods, the impeller may stop functioning.
• Iftheimpellerisnotworkingproperly,oriftheconnectionbetweenim-
peller or control unit is broken, the water intake will stop at 8 litre.
• Inthiscase,checktheelectricalconnectionbetweentheimpellerand
control unit or or ascertain where the impeller may be stuck open and
clean the impeller in accordance with the following instructions:
o Remove the electrical housing (Unscrew the side mounted screw and
twist and lift off the housing.)
o Unscrew the 4 screws on the impeller housing and remove the impel-
ler plate with impeller.
o Carefully turn the impeller and rotate (blow on) the impeller until it
rotates free.
o Refit the impeller and electrical housing.