104 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters and Controllers
Configuring Digital Communications
13.4.3 Communicating with a remote device
After Bell 202 communications have been set up (both wiring and configuration), you can connect to
the Series 3000 device using the parameters described in Table 13-5.
13.5 Configuring device parameters
The device parameters are used to describe the device and manage digital communication fault
indication. Table 13-6 lists and defines the device parameters.
Table 13-5 Connection parameters for Bell 202 communications
Connection parameter Value
Protocol HART
Baud rate 1200
Stop bits 1
Parity Odd
Address/Tag As configured in the Series 3000 device
COM port COM port assigned to PC serial port
Table 13-6 Device parameters
Variable Default Description
Fault setting None The method used to indicate a fault alarm via digital communication. This
setting also applies to digital communication from the core processor.
Options are as follows:
• Upscale – Process variables indicate the value is greater than the upper
sensor limit. Totalizers stop.
• Downscale – Process variables indicate the value is less than the lower
sensor limit. Totalizers stop.
• Zero – Flow rates, density, and temperature go to their internal zero
• NAN (Not A Number) – Process variables report IEEE NAN. Totalizers
• Zero flow – Flow rates go to their internal zero value; other process
variables are not affected. Totalizers do not stop.
• None – Process variables reported as measured. Totalizers do not stop.
For all options, Modbus scaled integers report
Max Int + 1.
Description Device-dependent
(1) May be set at the service center to the service center name and the year, month, and day the unit was processed.
Any user-supplied description. This parameter is not required. The
description may contain up to 16 characters.
User message Device-dependent
(2) May be set at the service center to the service center name and the order ID.
Any user-supplied message. This parameter is not required. The
description may contain up to 32 characters.
HART QV Volume flow rate The process variable to be assigned to the quaternary variable (QV). See
the definition of Burst Command in Table 13-4.
HART device ID 0 The HART device ID can be set only once, and is usually set at the factory
to the device serial number. If the HART device ID has not been set, its
value is 0.
Transmitter serial
0 The serial number of the Series 3000 device. This parameter is not