Configuration and Use Manual 191
Measurement Performance
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Specifications – Model 3350/3700Specifications – Model 3300/3500Measurement Performance
Detailed test data with ProLink II
For each test, the following data is stored on the transmitter:
• Powered-on hours at the time of the test (Smart Meter Verification)
• Test result
• Stiffness of the left and right pickoffs, shown as percentage variation from the factory value. If
the test aborted, 0 is stored for these values.
• Abort code, if applicable
ProLink II stores additional descriptive information for each test in a database on the local PC,
• Timestamp from the PC clock
• Current flowmeter identification data
• Current flow and density configuration parameters
• Current zero values
• Current process values for mass flow rate, volume flow rate, density, temperature, and external
• (Optional) User-entered customer and test descriptions
If you are using Smart Meter Verification and you run a meter verification test from ProLink II,
ProLink II first checks for new test results on the transmitter and synchronizes the local database if
required. During this step, ProLink II displays the following message:
Synchronizing x out of y
Please wait
Note: If you request an action while synchronization is in process, ProLink II displays a message
asking whether or not you want to complete synchronization. If you choose No, the ProLink II
database may not include the latest test results from the transmitter.
Test results are available at the end of each test, in the following forms:
• A test result chart (see Figure 21-6).
• A test report that includes the descriptive information for the current test, the test result chart,
and background information about meter verification. You can export this report to an HTML
file or print it to the default printer.
Note: To view the chart and the report for previous tests without running a test, click View Previous
Test Results and Print Report from the first meter verification panel. See Figure 21-3. Test reports are
available only for tests initiated from ProLink II.