Configuration and Use Manual 85
Configuring the Discrete Batch Application
Configuring Batch Configuring Process MonitorConfiguring OutputsConfiguring Events
2. From the Discrete Outputs menu, configuring the required discrete outputs:
• For 1-stage operation, you must configure one discrete output. This output must control
either the pump or the primary valve, as appropriate to your application. This discrete
output is required.
• For 2-stage operation, you must configure two or three discrete outputs:
- One to control the primary valve (required)
- One to control the secondary valve (required)
- One to control the pump (optional; only if required by your installation)
You must configure the discrete outputs that are listed as required, whether or not your
installation requires them (for example, you may start and stop the pump manually). You will
not be able to start a batch until the required discrete outputs have been configured. See
Section 8.3 for information on configuring the discrete outputs.
3. If you enabled the Batch AOC control option, you should perform batch AOC (automatic
overshoot compensation) calibration. Batch AOC is used to minimize the amount of overshoot
per batch. See Section 18.6 for information on performing batch AOC calibration.
4. You may optionally configure the batch ticket and ticket printing. See Chapter 15 for
information on configuring tickets and ticket printing.
11.4 Flow source
The flow source specifies the flow variable that will be used for batch measurement. Select one of the
flow sources defined in Table 11-1.
Note: If the discrete batch application will be used for custody transfer measurement, ensure that the
transfer variable is configured as the batch flow source. See Chapter 14 for more information.
Table 11-1 Flow sources
Flow Source Default Description
None None • Batch controller is disabled.
• START button will not appear on display.
Frequency input • Frequency input from a Micro Motion IFT9701 or RFT9739 transmitter
• Frequency input from a pulse output device
Mass Mass flow rate from Model 3500 or Model 3700 transmitter
Liquid volume flow rate from Model 3500 or Model 3700 transmitter
Gas standard
Gas standard volume flow rate from Model 3500 or Model 3700 transmitter
ED std vol flow
• Standard volume flow rate at reference temperature
• Standard volume flow is available only if the enhanced density application software
is installed and configured to indicate standard volume flow. See the enhanced
density manual.