138 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters and Controllers
Startup Procedures
16.3.4 Diagnosing sensor zero failure
If the Calibrate Zero screen reads “Calibration Failure,” the sensor zero calibration was not
successfully completed. “Calibration Failure” could indicate:
• Flow of fluid during the sensor zero calibration
• Partially empty flow tubes
• An improperly mounted sensor
To clear a sensor zero failure:
• Press
EXIT to exit the Calibrate Zero screen, then re-zero after correcting the problem, or
• Abort the sensor zero procedure by cycling power to the platform
• If appropriate, restore the factory zero or prior zero (see Section 16.3.1)
16.4 Testing the inputs and outputs
The Diagnostics menu is used to test the inputs and outputs. Figure 16-2 shows the Diagnostics menu.
The Diagnostics menu is accessed through the Maintenance option of the Management menu.
Using the Diagnostics menu, you can:
• Read the states of discrete inputs
• Read the pressure and temperature values as received from external devices
• Read the value of the frequency input
• Set a specific value for discrete outputs, mA outputs, and the frequency output
Figure 16-2 Diagnostics menu
Note: The Diagnostics menu is not the same as the diagnostic monitor. The diagnostic monitor,
accessed through the View menu, allows you to read the values for tube frequency, left pickoff, right
pickoff, drive gain, and live zero. The diagnostic monitor and its use are described in Chapter 17 and
Chapter 22.
Discrete input 1
Discrete input 2
Frequency input
External pressure
External temperature
Read external inputs
Discrete outputs
• Discrete output 1
• Discrete output 2
• Discrete output 3
Milliamp outputs
• Milliamp output 1
• Milliamp output 2
Frequency output
Simulate outputs
(1) Displayed only if polling for pressure has been configured.
(2) Displayed only if polling for temperature has been configured.