109Chapter 7 Remote Drop I/O Data
Monitoring/Controlling I/O Data:
Series Six PLC or Series Five PLC
For a Series Six or Series Five PLC, I/O data for a remote drop may be configured to use
either I/O or register memory. To utilize the data correctly, it is necessary to know the
position of each module in the rack, and the amount of input and output data it has.
Data lengths are equal to the amounts configured for %I, %AI, %Q, and %AQ. For
discrete data, 16 points = 16 I/O references or 1 register. For analog data, 1 channel =
16 I/O references or 1 register.
Input Data Message
(up to 128 bytes)
discrete inputs analog inputs
Configured %I Length Configured %AI Length
Remote Drop Data in I/O Table Memory
In I/O memory, data from a remote drop is stored beginning at the assigned I/O
reference. In the Input Table, the sequence is: discrete inputs then analog inputs. In
the Output Table, the sequence is discrete outputs then analog outputs.
For example, a remote drop has:
two 16–circuit discrete input boards (total of 32 input bits)
one 4–circuit analog input board (total of 64 input bits)
four 16–circuit discrete output boards (total of 64 output bits)
two 4–circuit analog output boards (total of 32 output bits)
The remote drop’s configured data lengths are: %I = 32, %AI = 4 (words), %Q = 48,
%AQ = 2 (words). In this example, there are 32 discrete input bits followed by 64 bits
from the analog input modules. If the beginning I/O Table Reference Address assigned
to the Remote I/O Scanner were 0001, the input data would occupy the references
shown below.
I0001 to I0016 = 16 inputs from 1st discrete input module
I0017 to I0032 = 16 inputs from 2nd discrete input module
I0033 to I0048 = 1st input from analog input module
I0049 to I0064 = 2nd input from analog input module
I0065 to I0080 = 3rd input from analog input module
I0081 to I0096 = 4th input from analog input module
POINT # INPUT (nickname)
0064 00000000 10111111 00011001 00101010 00011000 01010101 01001001 00101100
0128 11001010 01110100 01010101 11010110 01010010 00010100 11010100 10001101
0192 10100011 00101010 01001010 10101000 01100101 01010011 00101010 01101111
0256 10101001 01010101 10101010 11111001 01111010 10111010 11111111 11111111
0320 01100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00011010 00011010 00000111 01000000
0384 11111111 11111111 11111110 11000111 11111110 01101010 01100000 00000000