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Appendix C Logicmaster 90–70, Release 3:
Series 90–70 PLC Configuration
for Remote Drops
This appendix explains how to include a Remote I/O Scanner in the configuration of a
Series 90–70 PLC using Release 3 of the Logicmaster 90–70 software.
If you are using Release 3 of the Logicmaster 90–70 software, any Series 90–70 PLC on
a Genius bus with a Remote I/O Scanner must be configured as described in this
appendix. Configuration must be done using the Logicmaster 90–70 software, version
3.0 or later. Either the serial or parallel version can be used.
It is highly advisable, especially in large systems, to configure the entire PLC first,
before configuring any of the remote drops involved. Doing things in this way will
automatically avoid reference conflicts, Device Number (serial bus address) conflicts,
and Remote Drop ID conflicts.
PLC Configuration Steps
To configure a remote drop as part of a Series 90–70 PLC system, add the Remote I/O
Scanner as a device on the Genius bus. The steps are:
1. Select or create the folder of the PLC configuration.
2. As part of the PLC configuration, configure the Genius Bus Controller and add the
Remote I/O Scanner as a device on the bus.
3. Configure the Remote I/O Scanner. The same Device Numbers, Remote Drop IDs,
and assigned references entered during configuration will be used a second time
when later configuring the remote drops themselves.
4. Connect the programmer to the PLC. Store the configuration to the PLC using the
Utility functions.
Steps 1 – 3 should always be done first, even in cases where the remote drops are set
up, installed, and checked out before the PLC is set up. These steps can all be done
off–line. Step 4 must be performed after the PLC is on–line.
When a Series 90–70 PLC system includes a remote drop, it is important to be sure
that the information supplied to the PLC during its own configuration matches the
configuration information later supplied to the remote drop.