147Appendix D Logicmaster 90–70, Release 3: Remote Drop Configuration Instructions
Definitions of Communications and Operating Parameters
The following table summarizes the Genius configuration parameters, communications
port configuration parameters, and sweep control parameters for a Remote I/O
Parameter Description Default Choices
Genius Pa-
Baud Rate Genius bus baud rate 153.6 Kbaud
153.6 Kbaud standard, 153.6
Kbaud extended, 78.8 Kbaud,
38.4 Kbaud
Bus Adr Genius bus address (Device
Number) used by the Re-
mote I/O Scanner
29 0 to 31
BSM Control-
ler *
Remote I/O Scanner controls
switching between dual
No Yes/No. If Yes, select Yes for
BSM Present (below).
BSM Present * BSM Controller set to YES. No Yes/No. If yes, Timeout Sec. is
Timeout Sec. * Redundancy output time-
out, seconds. (Ignored if
BSM Present is NO)
2.5 seconds 2.5 or 10 seconds, if BSM Pres-
ent is YES.
CFG Protect Configuration Protected None Yes/No
Redundancy * CPU Redundancy No redun-
No redundancy, Hot Standby,
or Duplex redundancy. Duplex
Redundancy cannot be used if
there are any analog modules in
the remote drop. Use only in dis-
crete–only remote drops.
Duplex Def * If CPU Redundancy is con-
figured for Duplex, this is
the default output state.
Off On/off
SNP Commu-
nications Port
Baud rate Transmission rate in bits per
19200 bps 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
Parity Number of parity bits added
to each word
Odd Odd, even, or none.
Stop bits Communications use at least
one stop bit; slower commu-
nications use two.
1 1, 2
Modem TT Modem turnaround delay
time counts. 1 count =
1/100 sec.
0 0 to 255 counts
Idle Time Maximum communications
idle time
10mS 1 to 60mS
Sweep Con-
trol Parame-
Prog. Window Programmer Window 10mS 0 to 255mS
Comm. Win-
Communications Window 255mS 0 to 255mS
* Not operational in Remote I/O Scanner IC697BEM733A; upgrade to IC697BEM733B or later.
Must correspond to PLC configuration of corresponding Genius bus.