37Chapter 2 Installation
Logicmaster 90 Serial Version, No Workstation Interface Board
If the programmer is equipped with the serial version of Logicmaster 90–70, and does
NOT have a Workstation Interface Board, connection must be made via an
intermediate RS422/RS485 to RS–232 Converter. If no isolation is required, use GE
Fanuc RS–232/RS–422 Converter IC690ACC900A. If isolation is required, use GE
Fanuc RS–422 Isolated Repeater/RS–232 Converter IC655CCM590, or an equivalent
If the distance from the converter to the Remote I/O Scanner is more than 10 feet, +5
VDC must be provided using an external power supply. If the Remote I/O Scanner is
part of a multidrop network, follow the instructions on page 39. If the Remote I/O
Scanner is not part of a multidrop network, follow the instructions below.
Programmer to Converter Cable
For a Workmaster or IBM PC–XT or compatible computer, use cable IC690CBL701.
For an IBM PC–AT or compatible computer use cable IC690CBL702. For a Workmaster
II or IBM PS/2 or compatible computer, use cable IC690CBL705. These are all 10–foot
cables. For intormation about using longer cables, please refer to the Series 90–70
Installation and Operation Manual (GFK–0262, revision C or later).
Converter to Remote I/O Scanner Cable
Use standard 6–foot cable IC693CBL303.
1. For direct programmer connection, the Remote I/O Scanner’s serial port must be
terminated. Connect a 220Ω resistor across pins 10 and 11 and another 220Ω
resistor across pins 8 and 15. These connections must be made inside the
connector’s D–shell. At the other end of the link, terminate the RD and CTS pins
in the same way.
2. Be sure the remote drop is powered–down.
3. Connect the 25–pin male connector on the 10 foot cable to the 25–pin female
connector on the converter.
4. Connect the female connector on this cable to the male RS–232 connector (serial
port) on the programmer.
5. Connect the 6–foot cable to the converter and the Remote I/O Scanner. Both ends
of this cable are the same.
RS–485 RS–232