MDrive 34Plus
Microstepping Hardware - Revision R071108
Relevant to Firmware Version 3.0.02
Install the IMS SPI Motor Interface
The IMS SPI Motor Interface is a utility that easily allows you to set up the parameters of your MDrive34Plus
Microstepping. It is available both on the MDrive34Plus CD that came with your product and on the IMS web
site at http://www.imshome.com/software_interfaces.html.
1. Download the IMS SPI Motor Interface from http://www.imshome.com/software_interfaces.html.
2. Extract to a location on you hard drive.
3. Double-Click the setup.exe file.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
5. Once IMS SPI Motor Interface is installed, the MDrive34Plus Microstepping settings can be checked
and/or set.
Once installed you can change the motor run current, holding current, microstep resolution and other configura-
tion settings. By sending clock pulses to the drive you can now change these settings safely on-the-fly as the IMS
SPI Motor interface will not allow you to set an out-of-range value.
The motor can be run using the default settings without connecting communications or changing the parameters.
Because the
MDrive consists
of two core
components, a drive and
a motor, close attention
must be paid to the thermal
environment where the device
is used. Operating Range is
-40 to +75°C.
Note: Interactive
usage tutorials are
available at the IMS
Web Site at http://
Figure GS.2: IMS Motor Interface Showing Default Settings
Motion Settings Dialog Input Settings Dialog