MDrive 34Plus
Microstepping Hardware - Revision R071108
Relevant to Firmware Version 3.0.02
Layout and Interface Guidelines
Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables will introduce noise into the logic level
cables and make your system unreliable.
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded
at the signal source to earth. The other end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but allowed to float. This
allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrivePlus need to be twisted. If more than one driver is to be connected to the
same power supply, run separate power and ground leads from the supply to each driver.
Rules of Wiring
• PowerSupplyandMotorwiringshouldbeshieldedtwistedpairs,andrunseparatelyfromsignal-
carrying wires.
• Aminimumofonetwistperinchisrecommended.
• Motorwiringshouldbeshieldedtwistedpairsusing20gauge,orfordistancesofmorethan5
feet, 18 gauge or better.
• Powergroundreturnshouldbeasshortaspossibletoestablishedground.
• Powersupplywiringshouldbeshieldedtwistedpairsof18gaugeforlessthan4ampsDCand16
gauge for more than 4 amps DC.
Rules of Shielding
• Theshieldmustbetiedtozero-signalreferencepotential.Itisnecessarythatthesignalbeearthed
or grounded, for the shield to become earthed or grounded. Earthing or grounding the shield is
not effective if the signal is not earthed or grounded.
• DonotassumethatEarthgroundisatrueEarthground.Dependingonthedistancefromthe
main power cabinet, it may be necessary to sink a ground rod at the critical location.
• Theshieldmustbeconnectedsothatshieldcurrentsdraintosignal-earthconnections.
• Thenumberofseparateshieldsrequiredinasystemisequaltothenumberofindependent
signals being processed plus one for each power entrance.
• Theshieldshouldbetiedtoasinglepointtopreventgroundloops.
• Asecondshieldcanbeusedovertheprimaryshield;however,thesecondshieldistiedtoground
at both ends.
Shielded Cable
Control Panel Back
Panel Earth Stud
Sand paint off panel
to ensure bare metal
Cut drain wire
here. Do not
Shield Drain
To Front Panel
of Enclosure
To Earth Ground
Ground Braid
(Short Run)
All other I/O
Drains Connect to
Common Point
Keep Unshielded
Runs Short
Figure 2.1.2: Grounding and Shielding for Logic Connections