Valve Guide Installation
Apply oil to the valve guide outer surface before installa-
Heat the area around the valve guide hole to about 120 ∼
150°C (248 ∼ 302°F).
Drive the valve guide in from the top of the head using the
valve guide arbor. The flange stops the guide from going
in too far.
Special Tool - Valve Guide Arbor, 4: 57001–1273
Wait until the cylinder head cools down and then ream the
valve guide with the valve guide reamer [A] even if the old
guide is reused.
Turn the reamer in a clockwise direction until the reamer
turns freely in the guide. Never turn the reamer counter-
clockwise or it will be dulled.
Once the guides are reamed they must be cleaned thor-
Special Tool - Valve Guide Reamer, 4: 57001–1274
Valve-to-Guide Clearance Measurement (Wobble
If a small bore gauge is not available, inspect the valve
guide wear by measuring the valve to valve guide clearance
with the wobble method as indicated below.
Insert a new valve [A] into the guide [B] and set a dial
gauge against the stem perpendicular t o it as close as
possible to the cylinder head mating surface.
Move the stem back and forth [C] to measure valve/valve
guide clearance.
Repeat the measurement in a direction at a right angle to
the first.
If the reading exceeds the service limit, replace the guide.
The reading is not actual valve/valve guide clearance
because the measuring point is above the guide.
Valve/Valve Guide Cle arance (Wobble Method)
Standard: 0.03 ∼ 0.12 mm (0.0012 ∼ 0.0047 in.)
Service Limit: 0.33 mm (0.013 in.)
Standard: 0.09 ∼ 0.18 mm (0.0035 ∼ 0.0071 in.)
Service Limit: 0.40 mm (0.016 in.)