Ignition System
Stick Coil (Ignition Coil together with Spark Plug Cap)
Remove the stick coils (see this chapter).
Measure the primary winding resistance [A] as follows.
Connect the hand tester between the coil terminals.
Set the tester to the × 1 Ω range, and read the tester.
Measure the secondary winding resistance [B] as follows.
Connect the tester between the plug terminal and (–) c oil
Set the tester to the × 1 kΩ range and read the tester.
Ignition Coil Winding Resistance
Primary Windings: 1.04 ∼ 1.56 Ω
Secondary Windings: 10.8 ∼ 16.2 kΩ
If the tester does not read as specified, replace the coil.
Stick Coil Primary Peak Voltage
Be sure the battery is fully charged.
Remove the stick coils (see this chapter), but do not re-
move the spark plugs.
Measure the primary peak voltage as follows.
Connect a commercially peak voltage adapter [B] into the
hand tester [C] which is set to the x 250 V DC range.
Connect the adapter to the l ead wire-peak voltage
adapter [A] which is connected between the stick coil
connector and stick coil.
Install the new spark plug [D] into each stick coil [E], and
ground them onto the engine.
Battery [G]
Recommended Tool- Peak Voltage Adapter
Type: KEK-54-9-B
Special Tools - Hand Tester: 57001–1394
Lead Wire-Peak Voltage Adapter:
Primary Lead Connection
Adapter (R, +) to lead wire-peak voltage adapter (W)
Adapter (BK, –) to lead wire-peak voltage adapter (R)