Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Slide the dust cover [A] at the clutch cable lower end out
of place.
Loosen both adjusting nuts [B] at the clutch cover as far
as they will go.
Pull the clutch outer cable [C] tight and tighten the adjust-
ing nuts against the cover [D].
Slip the rubber dust cover back onto place.
Turn the adjuster at the clutch lever until the free play is
Push the release lever [A] toward the front of the motor-
cycle until it becomes hard to turn.
At this time, the release lever should have the proper an-
gle shown.
60° [B]
If the angle is wrong, check the clutch and release parts
for wear.
Be sure that the outer cable end at the clutch lever
is fully seated in the adjuster at the clutch lever, or
it could slip into place later, creating enough cable
play to prevent clutch disengagement.
After the adjustment, start the engine and check that the
clutch does not slip and that it releases properly.
Engine Lubrication System
Engine Oil Change
Situate the motorcycle so that it is vertical after warming
up the engine.
Remove the engine oil drain bolt [A] to drain the oil.
The oil in the oil filter can be drained by removing the f ilter
(see Oil Filter Change).
Replace the drain bolt gasket [B] with a new one.
Tighten the drain bolt.
Torque - Engine Oil Drain Bolt: 20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 14 ft·lb)
Pour in the specified type and amount of oil.
Engine Oil
Grade: API SE, SF or SG
Viscosity: SAE 10W-40
Capacity: 3.1 L (3.3 US qt) (when filter is not removed)
3.3 L (3.5 US qt) (when filter is removed)
3.8 L (4.0 US qt) (when engine is completely