Charging System
If there is more resistance than shown in the table, or no
hand tester reading (infinity) for any two leads, the stator
has an open lead and must be replaced. Much less than
this resistance means the stator is shorted, and must be
Using the highest resistance range of the hand tester,
measure the resistance between each of the black leads
and chassis ground.
Any hand tester reading less than infinity (∞) indicates a
short, necessitating stator replacement.
If the stator coils have normal resistance, but the voltage
check showed the alternator to be defective; then the rotor
magnets have probably weakened, and the rotor must be
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001–1394
Regulator/Rectifier Inspection
Bolts [A]
Regulator/Rectifier [B]
Connector [C] (disconnect)
Rectifier Circuit Check:
Check conductivity of the following pair of terminals.
Rectifier Circuit Inspection
W-BK1, W–BK2, W–BK3
Tester connection
The resistance should be low in one direction and more
than ten times as much in the other direction. If any two
leads are low or high in both directions, the rectifier is
defective and must be replaced.
The actual meter r eading varies w ith the meter used
and the individual rectifier, but, generally speaking the
lower reading should be from zero to one half the scale.
Regulator Circuit Check:
To test the regulator out of circuit, use three 12 V batteries
and a test light (12 V 3 ∼ 6 W bulb in a socket with leads).
The test light works as an indicator and also a cur-
rent limiter to protect the regulator/rectifier from ex-
cessive current. Do not use an ammeter instead of
a test light.
Check to be sure the rectifier circuit is normal before con-