98 2H. Camera
Gallery Options
The Gallery options are available by pressing Menu
to edit, share, and perform other operations to the
images in your Gallery. See “Picture Options” on page
92 and “Video Options” on page 96 for details.
Additional options may also be available:
ⅷ Tap on the top right to activate camera mode.
Back to return to Gallery.
ⅷ Tap or to zoom in and out.
ⅷ Tap to view the images in Tablet mode. Tap to
change back to normal mode.
ⅷ Tap an album and then tap on the lower
display to scroll through the images in the album.
Drag left or right to scroll rapidly.
ⅷ Tap an album and then tap on the top right
to change the view between spread and stacked.
The images are sorted according to the date they
were captured in stacked view.
ⅷ Tap an image and then tap Slideshow to view the
images in the folder slideshow. (See “Playing a
Slideshow” on page 94.)