2E. Calendar & Tools 75
Calendar / Tools
Changing Calendar Settings
1. From the Calendar screen, press Menu >
More > Settings.
2. Choose from the following options:
Ⅲ Hide declined events to hide events you have
Ⅲ Set alerts & notifications to specify how you are
reminded of upcoming events,
Status bar notification, or Off.
Ⅲ Select ringtone to select an audio ringtone that will
sound as a reminder.
Ⅲ Vibrate to add a vibration feature to the reminder.
Ⅲ Default reminder time to assign a default time for
every new event reminder.
3. Press Back to return to the calendar.
Viewing Events
1. Press Home > > Calendar .
2. Press Menu > Agenda.
3. Tap an event to display the details.
Editing an Existing Event
1. Press Home > > Calendar .
2. Press Menu > Agenda.
3. Tap an event to reveal the event details.
4. Press Menu > Edit event. If the event is a
repe at in g e ve nt , yo u w il l b e p romp te d to s el ec t
Change only this event, Change all events in the
series, or Change this and all future events.
5. Edit the name, location, repetition, reminders, etc.
6. Press Menu > Show extra options for further
Ⅲ Show me as: Select your status to display as Busy
Ⅲ Privacy: Select your privacy setting from Default,
Private, or Public.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Done to
save the changes.