
3: Operations
ID Name
.A1 DataServer_1
.A2 WebServer_1
.A3 FileServer_1
Displaying accessible serial ports
The list ports command displays accessible serial ports for the current user.
To display accessible serial ports:
1. At the SLP prompt, type list ports and press Enter.
The following command displays all accessible serial ports for the current user:
SLP: list ports <Enter>
Port Port
ID Name
Console Console
Displaying infeed status
The Istat or Iload command displays the status of one or more infeed.
This display includes the infeed absolute and descriptive names and the Input Status
and current Load reported to the unit by the infeed.
To display status of one or more infeeds:
1. Type istat and press Enter, or
2. Type iload and press Enter.
The following command displays the infeed status:
SLP: istat
Input Input Input Input
Feed ID Feed Name Status Load
.AA HQ_1_Infeed_A On 10.5 Amps
Connecting to a serial device
The Connect command allows serial connection to devices attached to one of the two
standard serial ports (Console, Modem).
To connect to a serial device:
1. At the SLP prompt, type connect, followed by the serial port name and press
To disconnect from a serial device:
1. Type !*break and press Enter.
SecureLinx SLP Remote Power Manager 40