
4: Advanced Operations
Status trap
A Status trap is generated when an error condition occurs on a unit, infeed or outlet.
Status traps include the reported Status, the Location of the unit, and identifier and
name of the affected unit, infeed or outlet.
Any Trap Status generates a Status trap and triggers the trap timer. A new trap is
generated at the end of every timer period until the Status returns to a non-error
Table 4-5. Unit Status Traps
Status Error Description
Normal Unit is working correctly
NoComm x Communication to the unit has been lost
Status Error Description
Table 4-6. Infeed Status Traps
Status Error Description
On Infeed is on
OffError x Infeed should be on but no current is sensed at the
NoComm x Communication to the infeed has been lost
Table 4-7. Outlet Status Traps
Status Error Description
On Outlet is on
Off Outlet is off
OnWait Outlet Status in transition
OffWait Outlet Status in transition
OnError x Outlet should be off but current is sensed at the
OffError x Outlet should be on but no current is sensed at the
OffFuse x Outlet should be on but a blown fuse has been
NoComm x Communication to the outlet has been lost
Note: Traps are generated according to a hierarchical architecture; i.e. if a Unit
Status enters a trap condition, only the Unit Status trap is generated. Infeed and
Outlet Status traps are suppressed until the Unit Status returns to Normal.
Change trap
The Change trap is generated for all outlet status changes between any on/off
conditions. Change traps include the outlet status, Location of the unit, and identifier
and name of the affected outlet. For descriptions of the outlet status types, please
refer to the prior table.
SecureLinx SLP Remote Power Manager 72