
3: Operations
Setting the FTP username
The FTP Username command sets the username as required by the FTP Host.
To set the FTP username:
1. At the command prompt, type set ftp username, followed by the FTP
username and press Enter.
The following command sets the FTP username to Guest:
SLP: set ftp username guest<Enter>
Setting the FTP Password
The FTP Password command sets the password as required by the FTP Host.
To set the FTP password:
1. At the command prompt, type set ftp password, followed by the FTP
password and press Enter.
The following command sets the FTP password to OpenSesame:
SLP: set ftp password OpenSesame<Enter>
Setting the filename to be uploaded
The FTP Filename command sets the filename of the firmware file to be uploaded.
To set the FTP filename:
1. At the command prompt, type set ftp filename, followed by the firmware
filename and press Enter.
The following command sets the FTP filename to snb_s50a.bin:
SLP: set ftp filename snb_s50a.bin<Enter>
Setting the file path for the file to be uploaded
The FTP Filepath command sets the file path for the firmware file to be uploaded.
To set the FTP file path:
1. At the command prompt, type set ftp filepath, followed by the filepath and
press Enter.
The following command sets the FTP file path to ftp:// slp:
SLP: set ftp filepath ftp://slp<Enter>
SecureLinx SLP Remote Power Manager 63