
3: Operations
3. At the Verify Password prompt, retype the new password and press Enter.
The following command changes the password for the user JohnDoe:
SLP: set user password johndoe<Enter>
Password: <Enter>
Verify Password: <Enter>
Setting user access level privileges
The Set User Access command sets the access level privileges for a user. There
are four defined access privilege levels; Admin, User, On-Only and View-Only.
The administrator may also grant administrative privileges to other user accounts
allowing the unit to have more than one administrative-level user.
Note: You cannot remove administrative privileges from the Admin user
unless another user has already been given administrative access privileges.
To set the access level privilege for a user:
1. At the command prompt, type set user access, followed by admn, user,
ononly or viewonly, optionally followed by a username and press Enter.
The following command sets the user access level for JohnDoe to Admin:
SLP: set user access admin johndoe<Enter>
The following command sets the user access level for JaneDoe to User:
SLP: set user access user janedoe<Enter>
Granting and removing input load viewing privileges
The Set User Envmon command grants or removes input load viewing privileges
to/from a general or view-only user.
To grant or remove input load viewing privileges for a user:
1. At the command prompt, type set user envmon followed by on or off,
optionally followed by a username and press Enter.
The following command grants input load privileges to the user JohnDoe:
SLP: set user envmon on johndoe<Enter>
Displaying the access privilege levels
The List Users command displays all defined users with their access privilege level.
To display user access privilege levels:
1. At the command prompt, type list users and press Enter.
SecureLinx SLP Remote Power Manager 43