
Reference Station GPS1200 75
Configure a
modem interface
In order to use a modem for the remote interface connection, the corresponding
device has to be created on the receiver and attached to the receiver serial port. As
an example, the following step-by-step description shows how to configure a U.S.
Robotics 56k modem for port P1 on the receiver. Refer to the GPS1200 Technical
Reference Manual for more information. Refer to the manual of the modem for infor-
mation on the modem configuration.
Any other interface and operation config-
uration required
Can be done using LEICA GPS Spider.
Remote interface to be configured Configure using
Step Description
1. Main Menu: Config...\Interfaces...
2. CONFIGURE Interfaces
Highlight Remote.
3. EDIT (F3) to access CONFIGURE Interfaces.
4. Highlight 1.
Remote must be displayed in column Interface. USE (F6) to display