
Adding and removing devices
After you enter the address information, you can enter SNMP community names to
change the read or write access privileges. To change privileges from the default
value (public), enter the new community names in the appropriate field. The
community names are case-sensitive.
Note: This changes the MarkVision community name, not the print server community
name. To change the print server name, refer to your print server documentation.
TCP/IP address range
Enter the TCP/IP address range, beginning with the From: box and ending with the To:
With this option, you can also enter SNMP community names to change the read or write
access privileges. To change privileges from the default value (public), enter the new
community names in the appropriate field. The community names are case-sensitive.
Note: This changes the MarkVision community name, not the print server community
name. To change the print server name, refer to your print server documentation.
Enter the network number on which your print server resides. It is an eight-digit
hexadecimal number; for example, 000C2194. If the print server resides on the same
network as your MarkVision Server, enter 00000000 (zeros) for the network number. If
you do not know the network number of your print server, you can find it on the print
server setup page, under the NetWare settings.
7 Click OK to return the Manage Discovery Profiles screen. The entered address or address
range is now listed under the Include tab.
8 Click Apply.
Note: If you want to discover a device or group of devices without creating a profile, see
Adding devices.
Discovering devices
1 Go to MarkVision Æ Device Discovery Æ Manage Discovery Profiles.
2 Select the profile from the Discovery Profiles window that encompasses the devices that
you want to discover.
3 Click Start.
4 MVP communicates with the devices included in the selected profile. To stop a discovery at
any time, click Stop Discovery.
Note: Performing a discovery with the Full Discovery profile, or any profile that includes
all of the devices on your network, requires a large amount of CPU usage. Running