Adding and removing devices
a full discovery can render the MarkVision Server virtually unusable while the
discovery is executing.
Including and excluding devices
The Include and Exclude tabs on the Manage Discovery Profiles screen display lists of devices that
are to be included or excluded from the profile’s current device list respectively. When creating a
profile, if there are certain devices that were listed in the device range that you entered that you do
not want to include in the profile, select the Exclude tab and add that device to the exclude list. You
can then use the Remove and Remove All buttons to remove devices from the include/exclude lists.
• If you are the network administrator and know the addresses of routers and computers on
your network and do not want to have extraneous traffic created by the discovery, add the
addresses of your routers and computers to the exclude list.
• If you want to manage all printers on the 70 subnet except for the secretary's printer, add the
70 subnet in your include list, and then add your secretary's printer address in your exclude
Advanced features
To configure advanced device discovery features, click the Advanced tab from the Device Discovery
main window. The following are features that may be customized for an advanced device discovery
• Query each address: MarkVision Professional sends an individual query to each address
specified in the device discovery.
• SLP Multicast: MarkVision Professional sends a single SLP (Service Location Protocol)
request over the network. An SLP Multicast only generates a brief spike in network traffic.
• Also search for other vendors' devices: MarkVision Professional discovers non-Lexmark
devices on the network.
• Maximum number of seconds to wait for a device to respond: This specifies the
maximum amount of time to wait for a device response during device discovery. Adjust this
value if devices are not responding or network traffic is heavy.
• Maximum number of seconds to wait for responses to an SLP Multicast: This specifies
the maximum amount of time to wait for a print server response during an SLP Multicast.
Adjust this value if print servers are not responding or network traffic is heavy. Only supported
print servers are discovered during an SLP Multicast.
• Number of retries to perform when a device does not respond: This specifies the number
of attempted retries before an address is ignored. Setting this value beyond 1 does not
normally provide greater accuracy. Setting this value to zero (0) disables retries, which may
substantially increase speed with little impact on accuracy.
Note: Each Discovery Profile can have its own advanced settings.