How does MarkVision Messenger work?
specify that your Action only respond when Tray 3 is removed from monitored printers. See
Custom filters for more information.
Send device status alerts to a Tivoli event server
MarkVision Messenger contains a custom event adapter that integrates with Tivoli's event
management console. This event adapter lets administrators use the Tivoli event console to monitor
printer events across a range of devices in real time. In order for Tivoli to display printer events, you
must first setup the Tivoli event adapter by creating an action in MarkVision Messenger.
What are Actions?
Actions are associations that let you execute event-driven commands. They can be set up to occur
automatically, as well as conditionally or repeatedly. You can specify which commands MarkVision
Messenger executes when device status events, such as Paper Tray Missing or Toner Low, occur,
or when devices enter and/or exit a specified folder on the MarkVision Server.
See How does MarkVision Messenger work? for more information about using Actions.
Simple Filters
By using the Simple Filter you can set your Action to execute its command when a device is added to
a folder, removed from a folder, or both. For example:
If you create a folder that contains printers whose page count is greater than 10,000,
once a printer's page count exceeds that amount, the printer is added to that folder.
If you create a folder that contains printers with a flash device installed, and someone
removes the flash from the printer, it is removed from that folder.
By using the with a delay of: option, you can delay the execution of your Action until a device has
been in or out of the folder for a specified amount of time.
Custom filters
Custom filters let you customize and define how your action executes. You can do this by either
uploading a previously defined script file or by writing a new one.
MarkVision Messenger provides a very simple scripting language to define filters. The following is a
complete list of the statements and conditions you can use to write a custom filter:
• While (Condition)
• WaitUntil (Condition)
• IfThen (Condition)
• { StatementList }