Creating folders
MarkVision Professional is shipped with a pre-existing root folder, All Devices, which cannot be
deleted. All additional folders you create are listed below this root folder. However, you do not have to
create additional folders to use MarkVision.
To create folders:
1 Select Folder Configuration from the All Tasks menu, or click MarkVision Æ Folders.
2 Select the parent folder.
3 Click New from the Folder window.
4 Enter a name for the new folder.
5 Add devices to the folder. There are two methods to populate a folder with devices (printers or
print servers):
• Manual selection
• Filter
To add devices manually, select the Manual Selection tab, and then select the devices you
To add devices through the use of filters, select the Filter tab, and configure your filter.
6 Click Apply.
Note: You can also create folders by right-clicking a parent folder, and then clicking New.
Manual selection is very useful when dealing with a small number of devices, or if there is a specific
device that you want to include in the folder. Filters are the most efficient method for managing a
large number of devices. A filter limits the number of devices visible in a folder to only those exhibiting
the characteristics you specify, letting you select a limited number of devices from the multitude that
are connected to your network. Select multiple filter characteristics for an increasingly narrow printer
selection. For example:
Jane is in charge of keeping the printers in her company up and running. She would like to
know which ones presently need human intervention or will need attention very soon. To
accomplish this, she creates a folder that populates by using filters. In the Device Type list
box, she selects Printers. She clicks Advanced, then selects Status: Message, Equal To,
Paper Jam. She clicks New to create another filter criterion, and then selects Status:
Message, Equal To, Toner Low. Once Jane applies the filter, the folder will only display
printers with paper jams or low toner.
Note: When organizing a large number of printers based on frequently changing criteria
(such as paper jams), we recommend that you use filters rather than folders to
observe the affected devices. The effort needed by the MarkVision Server to
continuously update and repopulate folders can dramatically slow your system. As
a result, populating folders based on static criteria saves network resources on
larger printer networks.