Operation and Maintenance
March 2000
Clearing Performance Statistics
Performance statistics counters can be reset to the baseline when using a
directly-connected asynchronous terminal and your security Access Level
is Level-1. This feature is useful when troubleshooting problems.
Statistic counters are not actually cleared using this feature. True statistic counts
are always maintained so SLAs can be verified, and they can be viewed from an
SNMP NMS. However, since statistics can be cleared locally, the statistics viewed
via the menu-driven user interface may be different from those viewed from the
" Procedure
To clear all statistics:
Performance Statistics →Clear All Statistics
" Procedure
To clear specific sets of statistics:
H Use the ClrSLV&DLCIStats function key to reset the SLV and DLCI
performance statistic counters for the currently displayed DLCI from one of
the following screens:
Performance Statistics →Service Level Verification
Performance Statistics →DLCI
H Use the C
lrLinkStats function key to reset the frame relay link performance
Performance Statistics →Frame Relay
H Use the ClrN
earStats or ClrFarStats function key to reset all near-end or all
far-end Extended SuperFrame (ESF) line performance statistics.
Performance Statistics →ESF Line