
March 2000
Table 3-6. DSX-1 Physical Interface Options (2 of 2)
Line Equalization
Possible Settings: 0133, 133266, 266399, 399533, 533655
Default Setting: 0133
Permits a standard DSX signal to be delivered over a distance of up to 655 feet.
0133 Equalization on the DSX-1 side allows up to 133 feet of cable between the
FrameSaver unit and the DTE.
133266 Equalization on the DSX-1 side allows up to 266 feet of cable between the
FrameSaver unit and the DTE.
266399 Equalization on the DSX-1 side allows up to 399 feet of cable between the
FrameSaver unit and the DTE.
399533 Equalization on the DSX-1 side allows up to 533 feet of cable between the
FrameSaver unit and the DTE.
533655 Equalization on the DSX-1 side allows up to 655 feet of cable between the
FrameSaver unit and the DTE.
Send All Ones on DSX-1 Failure
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Determines whether action is taken when a valid signal cannot be recovered for the
DSX-1 (LOS, continuous OOF, or AIS).
Enable Sends all ones on the DS0 channels allocated to the DSX-1 interface in the
event of an LOS, AIS, or continuous OOS condition on the DSX-1 interface.
Disable No action is taken when a signal fails on the DSX-1 interface. The data
received is passed through the network interface channels unchanged.