
March 2000
Minimal Configuration Before Deploying Remote Units
At a minimum, the following configuration options must be set before deploying a
a FrameSaver unit to a remote site:
H Node IP Address
H Node Subnet Mask
See Table 3-11, Node IP Options, for a description of these options.
Entering System Information and
Setting the System Clock
Select System Information to set up or display the general SNMP name for the
unit, its location, and a contact for the unit, as well as to set the system clock.
Main Menu Control System Information
The following information is available for viewing. S
ave any entries or changes.
If the selection is . . . Enter the . . .
Device Name Unique name for device identification of up to 20 characters.
System Name SNMP system name; can be up to 255 characters.
System Location Systems physical location; can be up to 255 characters.
System Contact Name and how to contact the system person; can be up to
255 characters.
Date Current date in the month/day/year format (mm/dd/yyyy).
Current time in the hours:minutes format (hh:mm).
To clear existing information, place the cursor in the Clear field (Tab to the
Clear field) and press Enter.
See Chapter 4, Security and Logins, to set up and administer logins.