March 2000
The following table describes the alarm conditions that will generate an SNMP
trap for a physical interface, and the frame relay LMIs and DLCIs. These alarm
conditions also generate Health and Status messages seen on the System and
Test Status screen.
Main Menu →Status →System and Test Status
Table 6-1. Alarm Conditions (1 of 6)
Alarm Condition
What It Indicates What To Do
AIS at Network 1 An Alarm Indication Signal
(AIS) is being received by
the interface. AIS is an
unframed, all ones signal.
For the network interface, report
the problem to your T1 service
AIS at DSX-1 For the DSX-1 interface,
the attached DTE is
transmitting an AIS.
For the DSX-1 interface, check
the DTE attached to the
EER at Network 1 The error rate of the
received network signal
exceeds the currently
configured threshold. This
condition only occurs if the
network interface is
configured for ESF framing.
This condition clears when
the error rate falls below the
threshold value, which may
take up to 15 minutes.
H Verify that the network cable is
securely attached at the
network interface.
H Contact your network provider.
CTS down to
Port-1 Device
The CTS control lead on
the device’s interface is off.
Check DTR and RTS from
H Verify that the port is enabled.
H Check DTR from the user data