Monitoring Tools 9-7
Leased line with PPP or
HDLC enabled only
----------------------WAN Connection Statistics-----------------------
Ch.---Bytes Rx----Bytes Tx--Packets Rx--Packets Tx--Remote Network-----
1 0 0 0 0
Leased line with Frame
Relay enabled only
----------------------WAN Connection Statistics-----------------------
---------Bytes Rx-----Bytes Tx-----Frames Rx----Frames Tx----FECNs-------BECNs
0 0 0 0 0 0
The WAN Connection Statistics give the following information about
each channel of the point-to-point interface:
■ The number of bytes and packets received through the channel
■ The number of bytes and packets transmitted through the
Not applicable with Frame
Relay enabled
■ The IP address of the remote network to which the Netopia
Router is connected through the channel
■ The congestion notifications (FECNs and BECNs) indicating too
much data at too high a speed begin received (FECN) or sent
Frame Relay LMI Statistics
Models with Frame Relay
enabled only
----------------------Frame Relay LMI Statistics-----------------------
LMI Status Pkts Rx 0 | LMI Status Enq's Tx 0
Interfaces using Frame Relay also include the Frame Relay LMI
Statistics. This section displays how many local management
interface (LMI) packets have been received and how many LMI
enquiries have been sent.