
GL-6 Reference Guide
community strings: Sequences of characters that serve much like
passwords for devices using SNMP. Different community strings
may be used to allow an SNMP user to gather device information or
change device configurations.
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check): A computational means to
ensure the accuracy of frames transmitted between devices in a
frame relay network. The mathematical function is computed, before
the frame is transmitted at the originating device. Its numerical
value is computed based on the content of the frame. This value is
compared with a recomputed value of the function at the destination
device. See also
FCS (Frame Check Sequence)
CSV (Circuit Switched Voice): Also know as Data-Over-Voice, a
feature that allows data calls to be placed or answered using ISDN
speech grade bearer capabilities.
DCE (Data Communications Equipment): Term defined by both
frame relay and X.25 committees, that applies to switching
equipment and is distinquished from the devices that attach to the
network (DTE). Also see
DDP (Datagram Delivery Protocol): Defines socket-to-socket
delivery of datagrams over an AppleTalk internet.
DE (Discard Eligibility): A user-set bit indicating that a frame may
be discarded in preference to other frames if congestion occurs, to
maintain the committed quality of service within the network.
Frames with the DE bit set are considered Be excess data. See also
Excess burst Size (Be)
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment): Term defined by both frame relay
and X.25 committees that applies to switching equipment and is
distinguished from the devices that attach to the DCE because pins
2 and 3 are reversed. Also see
default zone: When a Phase II EtherTalk network includes
more than one zone, all routers on that network must be configured
to assign one of these zones as a default zone. The default zone is
temporarily assigned to any Phase II EtherTalk node that hasn’t
chosen a zone. The user may choose another zone by opening the
Network Control Panel, selecting the correct physical connection,
and then choosing a zone in the scrolling field displayed.