Monitoring Tools 9-15
(Def) Zone Name: Displays the zone or zones associated with the
specified network or network range. The zone name shown is either
the only zone for a non extended network (e.g.:LocalTalk networks),
or the default zone name for an extended network. To see the
complete list of zones for an extended network with multiple zones,
select the entry in the table and press the Return key. Press the
Return key again to close the list of zones.
Hops: Displays the number of routers between the Netopia Router
and the specified network.
State: Displays the state of the specified route, based on the
frequency of Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP) packets
received for the route. The state can be Good, Suspect, or Bad.
AppleTalk routers regularly exchange RTMP packets to update
AppleTalk routing information.
Next Rtr Addr.: Displays the DDP or IP address of the next hop for
the specified route. A DDP address is displayed if the router shown
is on the local AppleTalk network. DDP address means that a
connection to the next hop router is by a native AppleTalk network
(e.g.: LocalTalk or EtherTalk Phase II). An IP address is displayed if
the Netopia Router is connected to the router shown using AURP. IP
address means a connection transports over AURP (AppleTalk
encapsulated IP).
Pkts Fwded: The number of packets sent to the router shown.
The AppleTalk routing table updates automatically when you first
display this screen, but not while you are viewing it. To update the
AppleTalk routing table, select UPDATE (near the bottom left-hand
side of the screen) and press Return.
Call Accounting
The Netopia Router offers system-wide call accounting to track first
minutes (an ISDN tariff factor) and additional minutes, for initiated
data and voice calls.
To go to the Call Accounting screen, select Call Accounting in the
Statistics, Utilities, Tests screen.