
Setting Up
April 1998
Table 5-16. SNMP NMS Security Options (2 of 2)
Access Level
Possible Settings: Read, Read/Write
Default Setting: Read
Specifies the access allowed for an authorized NMS when IP address validation is
performed. If the IP address for the NMS sending an SNMP message is on the list of
allowed managers, this configuration option determines the type of access allowed for
that manager.
Read – Read-only access to the objects in the MIB for the T1 access unit. This includes
all objects specified as either read-only or read/write in the MIB RFCs.
Read/Write – Read and write access to the objects in the MIB for the T1 access unit.
Allows write access for all objects specified as read/write in the MIB RFCs. However,
access for all read-only objects is specified as read-only.