Displaying System Information
April 1998
Table 7-1. System Status Messages (2 of 2)
Message What To DoWhat It Indicates
Please Wait Command takes longer than
5 seconds.
1. Wait until message clears.
2. If the message does not
clear within 2 minutes, reset
the device.
User Interface Already
in Use
Access to the user interface
via Telnet is in use; access to
the interface is denied.
IP address and login of the
user currently accessing the
interface are also provided.
1. Wait and try again.
2. Contact IP address user
and request that they log
User Interface Idle
Previously active session is
now closed/ended, and
access via the COM port is
now available.
Log onto the access unit.
Session has ended due to
Normal condition; no action
System Health and Test Status Messages
The System and Test Status screen (Path:
test status
displays the following types of messages:
H Health and Status – Displays Health and status information in priority order
(highest to lowest).
H Self-Test Results – Displays the results of the power-up self-test
H Test Status – Indicates which tests are currently active.
Health and Status Messages
These messages appear in the first column of the System and Test Status screen
in priority (highest to lowest) order, as shown in Table 7-2.
Clear device failure messages from the System Health and Status screen using
the following menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Clear Device Fail